Opening prayer by Rev. William @7:12PM.
Minutes from last meeting read by Rev. Karen. Motion to pass as read made by Mel; seconded by Karen McFerran. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
checking – $3741.50
savings – $664.29
October rent is paid, but the credit card still needs to be paid.
Committee Reports:
Events – rummage sale a success; made $500.
Shaman’s Journey – need foods to help ground afterwards. Karen M. will bring cheese/crackers; Rev. William will buy fruit.
Gifts from Spirit (All Message Service) – Tom will be the MC. Sherry volunteers to be a greeter and take money. Brooke and Mary will be runners.
Communion – Karen M. will take the offering to Mom. Need people to hold the bread and wine/juice. The reverends will do the blessings.
Solstice Dinner – need a signup sheet to be ready by next meeting.
Tech – people still having trouble getting on the website.
Old Business:
FB poll results – keep time as is.
We made a vision board and it’s awesome.
Decided on a tri-fold brochure.
New Business:
William received a Thrivent action box. It contains thank you cards and invitation cards (which we may use to bring people to an anniversary celebration), as well as t-shirts we can use for Spirit Fest, rummage sale – any casual occasion.
Items From the Floor:
Karen M. will contact Pagan Picnic organizers about getting an informational table. Mel has a table we can use, and we can share with Pathways.
1/6 – earth releasing ceremony
1/13 – oil anointing ceremony
1/20 – Rev. Karen – mantras for Saraswati
1/27 – Goddess Menea
Explored how we can stop having communication problems with Harmony Fellowship.
Motion to adjourn made by Karen M.; seconded by Rev. Karen. Passed. Closing prayer @8:15PM.