Business Meeting Minutes 10/4/15

Opening prayer by Rev. Bill @8:28 PM.

Minutes from previous meeting read by Rev. Bill.  Motion to approve made by Rev. William; seconded by Tim.  Passed.

Treasurer’s Report:

Savings – 8429.49

Checking – 4194.08

Committee Reports:

All-Message Service – Tom Rose volunteered to help with parking.  Jae stated that Jen Rogers will donate 2 tarot readings.

Communion and Solstice Dinner were discussed.

Old Business:

Tim Strawn – new member in September – congratulations!

New Business:

Jae brought up a new procedure for printing healing sheets; coordinated with Rev. William.

Items from the Floor:


Motion to adjourn made by Rev. William; seconded by Tim.  Passed.  Closing prayer by Rev. Bill @8:41 PM.

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