Business Meeting 7/5/15

Opening prayer by Rev. Bill @8:18 PM.

Minutes from previous meeting read by Rev. Karen.  Motion to pass made by Rev. William; seconded by Tim.  Passed.

Treasurer’s Report:

Checking – 4719.87

Savings – 8260.78

Committee Reports:

Archive and logistics – Rev. William found a better deal on easy-ups. 2 purchased; new total 4.

New hymnals in circulation.

Old Business:

Blessed talisman for Ralph.

Worked on Amazon Smile account set up.

New Business:

Picnic – need signup sheet.

Items from the Floor:

Meditations for Sept:

9/6 – Rev. William

9/13 – Rev. Karen

9/20 – new members

9/27 – Melina

Holistic Health Day – are we doing this?  Motion made by Rev. Bill/seconded by Mel that we skip a year.  Start thinking about starting back up in Feb.

Motion to adjourn made by Mel; seconded by Zach.  Closing prayer by Rev. Bill @8:33 PM.

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