Opening prayer by Rev. William at 7:02 PM.
Committee Reports
$10,263.59 in checking account
$1,063.95 in savings account
Old Business
Need someone to lead meditation on February 25.
Talked about T-shirt design. Decided on getting the logo and the church name on it.
Talked about various board member duties and merging positions. William will send out an email asking for everybody’s input later.
Talked about and researched using PDF software to format the newsletter.
New Business
DC’s idea of doing a garage sale in the basement had to be tabled for two reasons.
We need DC’s input.
We need to figure out where to store donations.
Items from the Floor
25-Mel “Communing with Pan”
4 – De Quita “Miracle”
11 – Heather “Chain, Chain, Change”
18 – New Member Service
25 – Mel “Honoring the Grandmothers”
1 – William “The Fool”
8 – Open
15 – Heather “Logical”
22 – Karen “Justice and Protection for the Earth”
29 – Mel “Communing With Bast”
6-Maypole Event (organized by Heather)
13-William “Earth Mother”
20-Karen “Small Sacrifices”
Mel will ask Bill if he could do meditations on the open days.
Motion to adjourn made by Mel, seconded by Heather at 7:59 PM.