Business Meeting 3/5/17

Opening prayer by Rev. William @7:29 PM.

Minutes from previous meeting read by Rev. Karen.  No vote taken to approve them; we do not have a quorum present.

Treasurer’s Report:

Treasurer not present.

Committee Reports:


Old Business:

Katie spoke about making our space a more sacred site, an oasis of peace and love.  She comes early to make sure things are set up, and others should also.  Service actually starts not at 6, but at 5:45 with energy work.

Everyone forgot about the restructuring the service meeting except Katie, so that needs to be rescheduled.

We still need a greeter each week.

Rev. Karen will send a notice out on FB and Yahoo encouraging people to get on the new website and make an account.

Wednesdays don’t seem to be a good choice for message bearer or meditation meetings, so let’s skip March, get more info, choose a different weeknight, and try again in April.

New Business:

New members orientation next week.  Katie will get sweet bread and juice for the ceremony.  Potential members:  David, Brooke, Rebecca.

There is an updated fellowship signup sheet.

Items from the Floor:

May meditations:

5/7 – Rev. Karen – “The Empress”

5/14 – Rev. Bill – “The Divine Mother”

5/21 – Katie

5/28 – open

Adjourned at 8:01 PM.

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