Opening prayer by Rev. Bill @8:30 PM. Minutes of previous meeting read by Rev. Karen. Motion to accept minutes as read made by Tim; seconded by Mel. Passed. Treasurer’s Report:
Archives: Posts
Circle of Light Activities and AddendaCircle of Light Activities and Addenda
About once a month, we host an activity as an alternate to our traditional meditations. Maypole / Beltane – close to May 1st. This is a ceremony that welcomes in
Oil Anointing ActivityOil Anointing Activity
Greetings! We move into 2014 EV today, and I would like to take this opportunity to share love and light from Circle of Light Independent Spiritualist Church to all of

The Thinning of the VeilThe Thinning of the Veil
Greetings! There’s a lot going on in the Circle of Light world right now, and I would like to take this opportunity to catch everyone up. To begin with, we

Talisman Blessing CeremonyTalisman Blessing Ceremony
Greetings! This coming Sunday we have our annual talisman blessing activity at Circle of Light, so I thought I would take a moment to explain what a talisman is to

Congratulations to the new Board Members!Congratulations to the new Board Members!
Greetings! Last Sunday, April 7th, Circle of Light had the annual elections for board positions, and I would like to congratulate the new board members! When elected to a board
Spring Greetings!Spring Greetings!
Greetings! It’s been a busy time here at Circle of Light! To begin with, on March 17th, we welcomed several new individuals to our ever-growing family. It is always wonderful

Circle of Light MembershipCircle of Light Membership
Greetings! Every year, on the Sunday closest to the Equinox, Circle of Light has a new member ceremony for those that want to become members of Circle of Light. Hence

Happy Holly Day Season!Happy Holly Day Season!
Greetings! After all of the recent festivities, it’s time to relax and to prepare for the coming year. We had an excellent communion service in November, hosted by our Circle

The Annual All Message ServiceThe Annual All Message Service
Greetings! This last Saturday night we had our annual All Message Service. This is one of the annual fundraisers that we have that is an excellent opportunity to be exposed