7.1.18 Business Meeting Notes

Opening Prayer by Rev. William at 7:02 PM


Committee Reports
Treasurer’s Report:  $3,503.39 in Checking

$1,164.17 in Savings

Mel forgot bank bag.


DC made reusable signs.  Want to change FB page name so that we’re easier to find and post events.


New Business


Spirit Fest
Jen will promote church and explain personal benefits  to going to COLISC.

Setup in the morning.

Snacks are provided.


Mel will do Fire Releasing Ceremony fliers.  (July 22)


Talked about having a book sale in the fall and a price list for snacks.

Mel and Karen will do bulletin for upcoming events.  


DC will talk to Charlotte about changing the name of Sharing the Harvest.


July 15, Mastering Mindfulness.  De Quita will create a Facebook event.


Sunday, July 29-Wedding show 11 AM-3 PM.  Just need someone to talk to brides about renting the church for weddings.


Old Business – NA

Items From The Floor
October Meditations

7-Karen “Mantras for Durga”
14-De Quita “Sunlight”

21-Karen  McFerran “TBA”
28-Mel “Ancestor Altar”


Motion to Adjourn madee my Mel, seconded by Karen at 7:57 PM.

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