6.3.18 Business Meeting
Opening Prayer made by William at 7:15 PM.
William forgot bank account password and will message secretary later with the numbers.
Discussed upcoming meditation titles for June and July.
Committee Reports
Fundraising Committee:
Talked about Fundraising ideas, and either auctioning or selling books.
Mel made the recommendation of gathering more books and having a book sale.
Library Committee:
Karen will tell us when she’s available and when she could help with library organization.
Old Business
DC’s class went well.
DC wants to do a trip and fundraising event.
DC is working on getting the shirts and other items ready for sale.
DC would like to fine-tune the church logo.
Also made recommendation to put the word out for donations during harvest time.
Karen needs to contact Kat about ISBN numbers.
Tabled motion to give Bill access to Facebook page.
Talked about making PDF newsletter.
William talked about passing out fliers at Pagan Picnic next year possibly.
William wanted everyone to “Extend Awareness”.
Service could be better with stage presence.
New Business
William is going to teach many classes at church.
Items from the Floor
September Meditations:
2-Karen “Krishna’s Birthday”
9-William “World Peace”
16-DC “Peace and Tranquility”
23-New Members Ceremony
30-Mel “Horae”
Motion to adjourn made my Wiliam, seconded by Karen at 8:20 PM.