Business Meeting Minutes 11/1/15

Opening prayer by Rev. Bill @8:25 PM.

Minutes from previous meeting read by Rev. Karen.  Motion to approve made by Rev. William; seconded by Lois.  Passed.

Treasurer’s Report:

Savings – 8429.56

Checking – 4681.79

Committee Reports:

All-Message Service – Lois volunteered to be the 2nd runner; Alexandra is available as a backup.

Contact info for all persons making donations needed.

Gary Tooey has a doctor’s apt. Friday.  If there is a problem and he cannot MC, Storm will take over.

Order of presenters:

  1. Tim – billets
  2. Jen – Angel cards
  3. Karen – billets
  4. Bill – oracle cards
  5. DC – clairvoyance
  6. William – tarot

Communion – tasks covered except for 1 blessing.

Solstice dinner – time to look for a good place to purchase turkey.

Old Business:


New Business:

Why is the last Sunday of the month’s donations set aside for the “expansion fund” rather than “building fund”?  IRS reasons; if we say building fund the money cannot be used for anything else.

Jae brought up the idea of adopting a family and providing food/toiletries donation.  Motion to do so with the donations currently waiting for delivery, with any extra to be allocated at Jae’s discretion, made; seconded by DC.  Passed.

Now that we are getting into the colder months, should we restart the $100/month food donation? Motion made by Rev. Bill to do so from today through 3/1; seconded by Jae.  Passed.

Rev. Karen will make the Nov. purchase; Jae will take Dec.  We can get volunteers for subsequent months later.

Items from the Floor:

Meditation signup needed for Jan. and Feb.

1/3 Rev. William

1/10 Rev. Karen

1/17 oil anointing

1/24 Rev. Bill

1/31 open

2/7 Candlemas

2/14 Rev. Bill

2/21 Rev. Karen

2/28 open

DC wants to do meditations when she is in town.

Motion to adjourn made by Rev. William; seconded by Rev. Bill.  Passed.  Closing prayer by Rev. Bill @8:52 PM.

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