3.4.18 Business Meeting Notes

UPDATE:  As of 3.24.18, notes reflect that Jen will no longer seek re-election as PR person.

Opening Prayer by Rev. William at 7:20 PM.


Old Business


Bill will do May 22 mediation.  Title TBA.


DC has storage unit.  Could possibly hold rummage sale at the end of the following months: June, July, August.  Friday and/or Saturday are good days to hold rummage sale. William will call Chris about space.  Jen recommended having it outside, weather permitting.


No new members so William will do a meditation on 3.18.


New Business


Talked about board positions and elections.  Decided to merge some positions and responsibilities.  
Librarian duties have now merged with VP position.
Membership duties have now merged with Secretary position.


Secretary/Membership-De Quita


Items From The Floor

3-William TBA
10-Karen TBA

24Mel “The Goddess Fortuna”

July 22 – Fire Releasing Ceremony

No retreat in May

Motion to adjourn by Bill, seconded by William at 8:06 PM.

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