Business Meeting Minutes 5/1/16

Business meeting minutes 5/1/16

8:10 pm

Opening prayer by Rev. William

Treasurer’s report: checking account: $2823.63, savings account: $10,262.13

Motion to accept as read: Tim, Seconded: Jaleena, motions passes


Committee Reports:

Retreat committee: Discussed fire releasing, archangel altars, Jaleena showed and explained the retreat binder (thank you Jaleena!)

Volunteer committee: Katie is working on creating roles for the volunteers to give them direction. It was agreed that we should plan for future positions/roles as the church grows and develops. Rev William, Rev Bill and Melina agreed to help with this. Katie would also like to create an interview process in order to “place” volunteers in positions where they would be most useful. Heather, Melina, DaQuita and Kat agreed to be interviewed.

Holistic Health Day: Heather suggested changing the name to “Heart & Soul, Craft & Spirit Fair” in order to bring in people who are “craft fair” interested, but then also show them our spiritual offerings. Rev Bill also brought the AIDS quilt project & the idea of incorporating it into the event. Also, the date is unconfirmed and dependent upon location (when we get the new building).

Tech committee: Katie will email everyone to find a date for the tech committee to meet.


Old Business: Jaleena has set up and account so that we may accept credit card payment and donations via paypals version of “square” (swiping device).

Jaleena is also working on getting our financial accounts into quickbooks. These discussions resulted in Katie asking how she might accept payment for plants (that she is selling as a fundraiser).


New Business: After taking a leadership class, Katie posed some excellent questions and needs for Circle of Light. What is our “vision”? (Is it the same as a mission statement?) How do we make it “tangible”? What are our goals, both physical and non-physical? Discussion ensued. Rev William stated that he is focusing on better communication. Katie stated a need for us to work on defining our goals and how we are working together towards that goal through multiple endeavors.


Rev William made a motion that all ordained ministers be honorary, non voting board members so that they may attend board meetings, keep informed and offer suggestions. Second: Tim


Motion to adjourn by Bill, Seconded by Jaleena

Rev William said the closing prayer, adjourned at 9:01 pm


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