Business Meeting Minutes 12/6/15

Opening prayer by Rev. Bill @8:27 PM.

Minutes from previous meeting read by Rev. Karen.  Motion to approve made by Rev. William; seconded by Lois.  Passed.

Treasurer’s Report:

Savings – 9509.56

Checking – 3965.20

Committee Reports:

All-Message Service – went well; sold out.  Why not 2x next year?  We used to, but found that seemed to split attendance.  Next year we will print 48 tickets, not 40.

Communion – went well.

Solstice dinner – set up at 5:30; who will help?  Both Heathers, Bill, William, Tim

Tables needed.  Should we buy more tables, rather than asking members to bring them?  If we did, where would we store them?

Perhaps we should buy a storage unit.  We’ll discuss this after the 1st of the year.

World Peace Day – Rev. William’s mom got a nice peace display banner at a garage sale.

Reminder for church members – dues due after 1st of year; give to treasurer.

Retreat – think about activities.  Should put together a book of do’s and don’t, as well as possible activities.  Jae and Katie will work on this.  Dates:  5/6-5/8

Old Business:

No new bylaws to consider for elections.  President, treasurer up.

New Business:


Items from the Floor:

Mel is covered for meditations through Feb.  Titles of said meditations needed, though.

Motion to adjourn made by Rev. William; seconded by Lois.  Passed.  Closing prayer by Rev. Bill @8:49 PM.

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