Opening prayer by Rev. Bill @8:17 PM.
Minutes from previous meeting read by Rev. Karen. Motion to pass made by Rev. William; seconded by Robin. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Savings – 8305.42
Checking – 4553.45
Committee Reports:
All-Message Service – need parking attendants and runner (Lois volunteers to be runner). See attached sheets for donation updates.
Old Business:
Voted to approve 4 possible new members.
New Business:
Items from the Floor:
Mel took the open meditation on 11/15.
Remainder of Dec. meditations will be discussed at board mtg.
10/18 service – use Ganesh fountain as a water station during walking meditation. Rev. William will do drumming.
Motion to adjourn made by Mel; seconded by Rev. William. Closing prayer by Rev. Bill @8:35 PM.