The mission of Circle of Light is to “seek, develop, and teach the knowledge of the relationship between humanity and spirit.” A step to fulfill that mission, we introduce the
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Celtic Tree Meditation – Reeds and GrassesCeltic Tree Meditation – Reeds and Grasses
The September meditation is on the Reed & Grasses Moon. The Reed & Grasses Moon encourages us to trim back that which has become overgrown and does not serve us.

Dear ones, We are playing it safe until further notice. Please join us live on Facebook at our regular meeting time – every Sunday at 6pm Central time. If you

Meditation for World PeaceMeditation for World Peace
Please join us at 6 a.m. Dec. 31st. We will be mediating with people all around the world at the same time. Our doors will be open at 5:30. We
3/3/19 Business Meeting Minutes3/3/19 Business Meeting Minutes
Meeting Opened at 7:10 pm with an opening prayer by Rev. William Duffin. Karen McFerran, read the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion to accept minutes as read made by

Big News! New Classes!Big News! New Classes!
BIG NEWS! The mission of Circle of Light is to “seek, develop, and teach the knowledge of the relationship between humanity and spirit.” To fulfill that mission, we introduce the
To-do list 10-19-18To-do list 10-19-18
COLISC Goals to Manifest Promote Shaman Journey / Soul Retrieval fliers to Mystic Valley It’s Raining Zen Stephanie’s Spiritual Shop 1412 20th St. Granite City, IL 62040 5th Spiritualist Willow’s
Shaman journey PDF to distributeShaman journey PDF to distribute
Please distribute this far and wide. Thank you.
AMS Flyers to distributeAMS Flyers to distribute
Please distribute these in print or digital form. Share on FB, etc. Circle of Light Independent Spiritualist Church presents Gifts of Spirit Saturday, Nov. 10, 2017 at 7p.m. 9525 Eddie
Fire Releasing CeremonyFire Releasing Ceremony
Join us on Sunday, July 22, for our annual fire releasing ceremony, which starts at 6 (although you may wish to come a little early). For those not familiar with