3/3/19 Business Meeting Minutes

Meeting Opened at 7:10 pm with an opening prayer by Rev. William Duffin.

Karen McFerran, read the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion to accept minutes as read made by Rev. Karen Heim and seconded by Tom.

Treasure’s report: Checking and savings are the same as last month minus rent.

                Rent Paid

Tech committee

Working with Cat

Committee reports

                The donation button works now.

                Need to set reward levels for donations

                Need to get release from presenters for recorded meditations.


Building committee

                Office cleaned by Rev. Karen Heim and Rev. William Duffin

Library committee

                Extra books were donated

                New books are on website

Events committee

                Spirit Fest

                                In the process of writing up vendor agreements

                                6 vendors reserved

                                15 more possible vendors


                Should consider hosting a fundraiser for an animal shelter or suicide hotline.

Possibly also consider hosting an adoption event

Old Business


New Business


Items from the floor

                June Meditations

                                6/2 – Talisman Blessing

                                6/9 – Rev. William

                                6/16 – Rev. Karen Heim – Star

                                6/23 – DC

                                6/30 – Mel

                Election of Officers

                                2019 elections for Vice President, Secretary

                                Running for Vice President – Rev. William Duffin

                                Running for Secretary – Karen McFerran

                                Position to be filled by appointment – President – filled by Rev Karen Heim

Motion to adjourn made by Mel, seconded by Rev. Karen Heim.

Adjourned at 7:38 pm with a prayer by Rev. William Duffin.

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