Opening prayer by Rev. William @7:10PM.
Minutes of previous meeting read by Rev. Karen. Motion to accept made by Tom; seconded by Mel. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
checking: 3440.68
savings: 664.32
Committee Reports:
Soul Retrieval – we netted $200. Need people to write testimonials.
Old Business:
Lois is working on the brochure. Rev. William will send pictures for it to Mel.
AMS/Gifts of Spirit – need list of prizes. Rev. William is making a program. Setup is at 5PM. Sales have been slow. Since we only have 4 people working the event, Mel volunteers to go twice, doing flower messages as a second medium.
Communion – Mel will chair. She will also get the bread, wine, and juice. Karen M. will take the offering to Mom. Tom will hold the bread, and Sherry the wine/juice.
Solstice dinner – I will roast a turkey and make a dessert.
New Business: none
Items from the Floor:
All meditations for Feb. 2019 are covered. They are as follows:
2/3 – Candlemas
2/10 – Rev. Karen; Shiva mantras
2/17 – Karen M.
2/24 – Mel; the Reindeer People
Motion to adjourn made by Rev. Karen; seconded by Tom. Passed. Closing prayer by Rev. William @8:02PM.