Opening prayer by Rev. Bill @8:22 PM.
Minutes from previous meeting read by Rev. Karen. Motion to approve made by Tim; seconded by Mel. Passed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Savings – 9854.88
Checking – 2581.35
Committee Reports:
Retreat – Committee met again, and compiled a theme regarding team building and bonding. Katie will make up a flyer for day activities. Prototypes of flyers, signup sheets, and costs were passed around. They want to write up a set of rules of conduct.
Building – We became aware of a building for sale. Currently being used by groups whose beliefs harmonize with ours. They have been offered $600K by developers, but would accept less in order to keep it a spiritual place. There was much discussion about what the place looks like, and what questions need to be answered in order to know how to proceed. Jae has a friend who is familiar with the process of buying property; we are arranging to meet.
Old Business:
Jae brought her energy work certification.
New Business:
Jae made edits to the Yule dinner songbook.
Items from the Floor:
May meditations needed.
5/1 – maypole
5/8 – Rev. William
5/15 – Rev. Bill
5/22 – Rev. Karen
5/29 – Mel
Motion to adjourn made by Mel; seconded by Heather. Passed. Closing prayer by Rev. Bill @9:10 PM.