Business Meeting Minutes 5/17/15

Mtg began at 8:09 pm

Opening prayer: Rev Bill

Reading of the minutes by Mel

Motion to accept as read: Rev Will, 2nd Heather King

No treasurer’s report


Committee Reports:


Membership (Rev William): there are birthday cards to sign


Archive & Logistics:  Bill- 1 dozen padded folding chairs were purchased from Walmart; COLISC podium is back (brought by John Letter); Bill will look into easy ups for Holistic Health Day


Event Committee :  Bill- Reported on retreat- there were crystal grids, smudging, an altar set up. There are pics online, there was “lots of fire”….


Tech committee: William- discussed looking into printers

Zach- should we look into covering to use as a backdrop for video work?


New Business:


Business meeting for June was moved to the 14th due to Pagan Picnic and Bill Barry weekend



Motion to adjourn: Rev William, 2nd– Zachary Martin

Closing prayer- Rev Bill

Ending time: 8:31 pm

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