1. Who do you worship?
    1. We do not focus on any particular deity, rather we understand that many religions have many spiritual teachings and teachers that we can all learn from and study. We view the word “God” as a universal term for deity rather than signifying any one particular faith.
  2. So are you christian?
    1. We are not exclusively Christian, but we do recognize Jesus the Christ as one of the great spiritual teachers of humanity. We also recognize the many compassionate and sublime Christian teachings that exist in the world today and weave them in with what else we do on our individual paths of spiritual ascent.
  3. Do I have to participate if I come to service?
    1. Not if you do not want to! For more information, please see Format of Service.
  4. What is a Spiritualist Church?
    1. For more information, please see the traditional Spiritualist page of the website.
  5. Is an “independent” spiritualist church different?
    1. Yes! This is covered in depth on the Spiritualist page of the website.
  6. What is a message?
    1. To us, a message is information we receive from a particular source. Sometimes the messages we get come in the form of phone calls from key people at pivotal points in our lives, but sometimes they can come from non-physical sources as well, which is usually the case with our message bearers at service. Often times, messages have dual meanings, in that what they mean to one person may also be what another person needs to hear at the time.
  7. How do message bearers train?
    1. The Circle of Light message bearers have attended many classes over the years, and are all board approved. However, continual work is required to keep the skill sharp, and because of that, our message bearers have a regular working group that they hone and focus their skills.
  8. How do you become a member?
    1. Find a sponsor within the church, they can walk you through.  for more information please see…
  9. What are the benefits of becoming a member?
    1. You will have exclusive access to stuff;  for more information please see…
  10. How can I contact you?
    1. If you are in the St Louis metro area, we are located at 4025 Wilmington Ave, St. Louis, MO 63116
    2. Or, we can be reached at 314-717-4349
    3. Finally, feel free to contact us through this website.
  11. How can I support you?
    1. Become an active member of our community! Donate time, money, or resources to help us thrive as your spiritual resource. If you are not in the St Louis MO metro area, you can still show your support by selecting us as your non-profit of choice through smile.amazon.com .